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AR ultra readers club

Page history last edited by M.N.M 12 years, 3 months ago

This is a special folder that i have created for people with 150 AR points or more .


Top AR reader so far Miles with 420 AR points!

in second place is Conner with over over 300 AR points!

 last place is Catherine with over over 200 AR points!

This just in Mrs.you know who's class is slowly catching up to us so remember KEEP ON READING!!!!!!!!




By the way I'm just going to put the top 3 for now,

but remember class if you try hard you can beat the rest!


So far our first book were reading is called Among the Hidden





Anyone who is in this club has permission to edit this.


Among the hidden is a great book about a boy who has to hide his whole life until he meets a girl from across the street and the reason he has to hide is because he is a third child.


To find out the rest read this awesome book or to find out more go to



Or just read the book for yourself!





Catherine has yet to check the video with the computer lab teacher so until then...It will stay OFF THE WEB!!!


The book club is proud to say that catherine, Conner, And miles have finneshed the book called"Savvy"


how ever only miles have finneshed or even started reading the sequel"Scumble"


The school year is finished but just remember KEEP READING


Miles is reading percy jackson over the summer







Comments (30)

Catherine said

at 5:38 pm on Sep 15, 2011

Can't wait 'till I become an official member!! Miles and I have called a truce not to be so competitive about AR points.

Catherine said

at 6:18 pm on Sep 15, 2011

Will we add a folder to put our book report stuff in? And what should we call it?

Alex said

at 2:32 pm on Sep 16, 2011

I erased Miles last name for your safety. :) Love this page!

M.N.M said

at 3:32 pm on Sep 16, 2011

Thanks Alex i forgot other people could read this

Alex said

at 3:39 pm on Sep 16, 2011

Your welcome! I've put my full name on my wiki by accident too. No worries! :-)

June Shanahan said

at 5:34 am on Oct 20, 2011

You are seriously one in a million. I love you!

Alex said

at 8:24 am on Oct 23, 2011

Love you too! :)

Catherine said

at 9:58 am on Sep 17, 2011

Miles!! You finished the book already?!?!? I haven't even gotten started!!

M.N.M said

at 10:10 am on Sep 17, 2011

Sorry Catherine but once i got to chapter 2 i couldn't put the book down its so good but the ending sad but i wont spoil it for you.

Catherine said

at 10:12 am on Sep 17, 2011


Catherine said

at 4:55 pm on Sep 17, 2011

Just finished it. Great book

Catherine said

at 10:16 am on Sep 17, 2011

So who in the Shanahan news team has the best portable camcorder?

Anna! said

at 5:06 pm on Sep 17, 2011

I have 6 A HD Sony c5x, a flip, 2l cam ..etc

M.N.M said

at 1:20 pm on Sep 18, 2011

I don't even have a camera so Anna should do it.

Wayne said

at 1:24 pm on Sep 18, 2011

Glad to see you guys reading lots of books. Just don't forget that the purpose of reading is enjoyment and learning, not just earning AR points! :-)

M.N.M said

at 1:28 pm on Sep 18, 2011

exactly because if you don't like it what is the point in reading it?

Catherine said

at 2:17 pm on Sep 18, 2011

I already knew that but it feels good when a university professor says it.

June Shanahan said

at 5:12 am on Sep 19, 2011

Good point, good point. AR is just a brain trick to get you guys to love reading. Did you know that grown-up books are also in AR? So I can actually get AR points too?!

M.N.M said

at 6:30 am on Oct 20, 2011

Hey Mrs.shanahan!
How about you put your name on the a.r list instead of isac newtan.

June Shanahan said

at 5:36 am on Oct 20, 2011

Shanahan's Favorite:
Dear Book Club Members,
My favorite part about your philosophy is that you help others to catch up to you, even encouraging them to pass you! I adore that about you! (So adult-like!)

Anna! said

at 4:15 pm on Nov 11, 2011

I am reading the same thing

June Shanahan said

at 5:45 pm on Nov 11, 2011

Conner is going to make it to the reading club, and I can't wait till he does. He sooooooooo deserves it because he's a reading maniac!!!!

M.N.M said

at 6:35 am on Mar 20, 2012

I am reading the book scumble I hope it is worth a lot of a.r points because its taking forever to read! its a good book though!

June Shanahan said

at 7:42 pm on Mar 21, 2012

Oh my goodness! It's worth TEN WHOLE POINTS! That's a lot!

Anna! said

at 2:55 pm on Mar 26, 2012

I wish the books I read were A.R., but alot of them are.

June Shanahan said

at 4:10 am on Mar 28, 2012

Not to worry. I just care that you're reading. If they're not AR, you can always make up your own test, give Mrs. Chamberlain the test, and she will still give you AR points for it. Again, I just care that you're reading.

Autumn said

at 7:11 pm on Mar 26, 2012

I have like 60 somthing i want to get up to 8o then that will be soooo cool!

June Shanahan said

at 4:13 am on Mar 28, 2012

Oh my gosh you guys! THe Hunger Games is worth 15 AR points!!!!!! Did you know that?!

M.N.M said

at 1:39 pm on Jun 14, 2012

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MRS.SHANAHAN!!!! what will i take a.r test on next year

Laffy Taffy said

at 3:40 pm on Jun 14, 2012

Percy Jackson AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Haven't you read that like, twice already?

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