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Ask Taffy

Page history last edited by Laffy Taffy 12 years, 10 months ago

Ask Taffy


Dear Taffy,

What is your opinion about monkeys?

-Mr. Monkey

When I was 4, I got bit by a monkey, but I now know that it was a mistake. I love monkeys, I think they're adorable in fact!


Dear Taffy,

Why is your nickname Taffy?


A few years ago, I went to this party. Brennen, a friend of mine, was there along with his family. I met his little sister for the first time. She asked my if she could call me Cathy. I told her," Of course! You can even call me Taffy!" And that is why my nickname is Taffy, for any of those who were wondering. 


Comments (15)

Anna! said

at 9:17 am on Sep 17, 2011

Will you go to the shanahan news wiki?

Catherine said

at 9:19 am on Sep 17, 2011

well the thing is, I don't have an e-mail but I wanna request access. Can you make an account for me?

Catherine said

at 9:18 am on Sep 17, 2011

remember, only 2 questions will be answered a week.

Anna! said

at 9:19 am on Sep 17, 2011

OK I will

Catherine said

at 9:58 am on Sep 17, 2011

THanks anna

Anna! said

at 10:03 am on Sep 17, 2011

wait Its not a class room account so I will put you on my email

Catherine said

at 10:13 am on Sep 17, 2011


Anna! said

at 5:48 pm on Sep 17, 2011

How do grapes tatse

Catherine said

at 12:22 pm on Sep 18, 2011

remember, only the best questions will be answered

Wayne said

at 1:21 pm on Sep 18, 2011

OK, here's a good question for you. Why is your nickname Taffy?

Catherine said

at 2:28 pm on Sep 18, 2011

Only the best questions will be answered

Catherine said

at 6:01 am on Sep 30, 2011

DOES ANYBODY KNOW ABOUT THIS PAGE?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ASK ASK ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna! said

at 6:16 am on Sep 30, 2011

I do!

Catherine said

at 4:29 pm on Oct 2, 2011

But others don't.

Mr.Monkey said

at 9:14 pm on Oct 17, 2011

do you like MONKEYS

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