Intelligent, strong, playful, athletic,
Brother of Tyler and Taylor,
Lover of his family, 2 dogs, and 3 lambs,
who feels happy when he gets to play with his dogs, friends and family,
Sad when he has to get rid of his lambs,
Scared of nothing,
Who needs his friends and family, and his 2 pet dogs and 3 lambs,
Who gives help to friends and family,
who fears nothing,
Who dreams of playing in the NFL,
Resident of Helotes, Texas.
Street Music
The sound tweeting, mooing, mewing,
Barking, meowing, honking, banging, and
Buzzing (from the fans down in our barn).
The sound of slamming doors from the
Houses on both sides of the street.
At night all I hear is barking, and
The echoes from the cars going by.
In the morning all I hear is tweeting,
Wind, barking, and sometimes cars vrooming by.
Sometimes we get peace and quite.
I feel as happy as a kid who got a puppy
On his birthday.

Fast, funny, carnivores,
Mother of grayish colored baby penguins,
Lover of shrimp and fish, family, the ocean,
Who feels happy when swimming in the ocean,
Sad when friends and family die from oil spills,
Scared when being chased by predators,
Who needs help to survive oil spills,
Who gives love to its family,
Who fears oil spills, losing there family,
Who dreams that ships would stop using oil and use something that will not spill and kill ocean animals,
Resident of Antarctica
Comments (12)
superstarlindsay said
at 12:05 pm on Aug 29, 2014
loved the words you put
superstarmitchell said
at 12:11 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I love the words you used to describe yourself.
June Shanahan said
at 6:02 pm on Sep 2, 2014
Your adjectives are PERFECT!!!! (Just like YOU.)
*My favorite one is STRONG, because you are strong (muscles), but also STRONG (on the inside)...I hope I'm strong too, like you!
superstarcarson said
at 8:22 am on Sep 3, 2014
Good job I love it
superstarcole said
at 8:58 am on Sep 3, 2014
Awesome additives
June Shanahan said
at 5:26 pm on Sep 3, 2014
Dear Riley,
When you grow up and play in the NFL, please remember me!!!! I love your words!!!!!!!!
June Shanahan said
at 5:27 pm on Sep 3, 2014
Where do the lambs go when they go away? When I was a little girl, my best friend lived on the largest sheep ranch in West Virginia. Her family let me have a pet lamb, but it went away too.
June Shanahan said
at 8:40 am on Oct 5, 2014
Tell me more about your barn. I looooooooooooooooove barns, and I love farm animals.
June Shanahan said
at 7:46 pm on Apr 6, 2015
Animal poem - so far, you have 100%!
June Shanahan said
at 4:41 am on Apr 8, 2015
Keep writing. I love to read about your animal! :-)
June Shanahan said
at 10:03 am on Apr 8, 2015
Please change its to it's. Beautiful poem.
June Shanahan said
at 10:31 am on Apr 11, 2015
Dear Riley,
Please add a graphic of your animal.
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