feisty, adorable, snappy , quirky,
Sister of Enrique, Timoteo, and Suzanna,
Lover of Gymnastics, iPads, the superstars and Dancing with the stars,
Who feels happy when flipping on the trampoline or tumble track and playing with her brothers and sisters,
Sad when her parents are out of town,
Scared of big and fat sumo wrestlers,
Who needs help with making really hard decisions,
Who gives welcoming smiles,
Who fears kidnapping, and Lock downs,
Who dreams of becoming a professional dancers and live on a farm,
Resident of Helotes, Texas.
My Street Music
On this street you can hear the loud dogs barking at the bold, black birds
bark, bark!!
You can feel a breeze when in your hair when you’re walking up the street
You can see dirt tracks on the street after a long, hard poor of rain with thunder
strike, strike!!!
You can see the greeting
our neighbors give each other “hello. How was your day?”
Every Friday night you can hear us until 1 in the morning jamming
boom, boom!!
The hills surround us making us safe and high
all together
You can hear our tires spinning
when we go up our driveways
vroom, vroom!!
You can feel the love if you lived on my street.
All about Dingoes/Warrigals
Dingoes, also known as Warrigals, are special and unique just like you.Today I’m going to talk to you about the Australian Dingo. I find them interesting. I hope you do too.
Fun Facts
Did you know Dingoes can live up to 8-10 years? That’s how old some of us are right now, so you should be lucky you're alive. Dingoes were not originally born from Australia. but they were brought to Australia about 5,000 years ago. There are special types of areas in Australia to protect Dingoes from decreasing in population.
Inherited traits and Learned behaviors
Dingoes can’t bark like dogs? But, they can howl like a wolf. Australian Dingoes mate with each other when there’s a chill, and the leaves start to fall. Do you know what season that is? A dingo can turn their head 180 degrees in each direction just to look at their own kind. The Warrigal has 2 different colored eyes. Their eye color can be yellow or orange.
Natural Habitats
The Dingoes habitat is in southeast Asia and Australia. Dingoes hunt in Desert woodlands, Desert rivers, and sandy spots for their dinner. Dingoes will sleep in rocky gorges and can have different homes. They can live in a cave, a den, or a hollow log. They can live in wet, and dry rainforests. I predict they live on the forest floor. What floor would you like to live on?
What Dingoes eat/hunt
Warrigals are carnivores. They eat flesh. Dingoes will pretty much eat anything they can find. For example they will eat rabbits, insects, rodents, and even kangaroos. You will see them hunting as a team, just like a football team. Dingoes will go to the ocean to rinse in the salty water and then go “fishing” for food. Dingoes will eat koalas for a special meal. So you see Dingoes will go for anything they can find. I have read that they have eaten a child before. Are you scared of them now?
I hoped you learned that Dingoes are also known as Warrigals. They eat just about anything. Warrigals work, live, and hunt like a football team, together in a pack. Dingoes mate with each other in fall. Warrigals have orange or yellow eyes unlike humans. Don’t you wish you could turn your head 180 degrees in each direction too? Would you like to live until your 10th birthday? If you would then you should go to Australia and live with them.

Mammals, Dogs, Carnivores, Australian,
Related to my family dog,
Lover of flesh, heat, mating, hunting,
Who feels happy when eating a Kangaroo for dinner,
Sad when a farmer shoots another dingo for trying to eat a farm animal,
Scared when they hear a Wedge Tailed Eagle,
Who needs help with not eating children,
Who fears Wedge Tailed Eagles,
Who dreams of not being hunted by poachers,
Resident of Tasmania, Australia, And southeast Asia.

Comments (19)
superstarlindsay said
at 12:10 pm on Aug 29, 2014
You have a mind filled of smartness!
superstargracie said
at 12:12 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Super funny Audellia.
superstaraudelia said
at 12:12 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Thank you Lindsay.
superstarpaige said
at 12:13 pm on Aug 29, 2014
That is totally going to be a AWESOME all about me Audelia.
superstaremily said
at 12:21 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Really like your adjectives.
superstaraudelia said
at 12:21 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Thanks Gracie and Paige.
superstarmarlena said
at 12:22 pm on Aug 29, 2014
superstaremma said
at 12:22 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I agree with Paige!! That is going to be a great poem.
superstarlindsay said
at 12:22 pm on Aug 29, 2014
thank you for the inspiring comment
superstargracie said
at 10:03 am on Sep 2, 2014
Ooo Snappy!
superstaremma said
at 10:07 am on Sep 2, 2014
Yes you are so adorable! Love your new adjectives!!
June Shanahan said
at 6:07 pm on Sep 2, 2014
Your new adjectives are the BEST. I want to be snappy, so I can be like YOU. I'm already HYPER!!!!
June Shanahan said
at 5:22 pm on Sep 3, 2014
Love your words, love your writing, love your thoughts, love YOU.
superstaraudelia said
at 3:35 pm on Sep 21, 2014
Thank you all for commenting.
June Shanahan said
at 8:37 am on Oct 5, 2014
I can feel the love of your street, just from reading your amazing poetry.
June Shanahan said
at 7:49 pm on Apr 6, 2015
Animal poem - don't forget to add the last line + a graphic.
June Shanahan said
at 4:46 am on Apr 8, 2015
Do you think you could change this line a little, so that it is more specific? Exactly what is your animal eating? Juicy what? Juicy doughnut? Juice Popsicle? Juicy apple? Juicy...what?
Who feels happy when eating its juicy dinner,
June Shanahan said
at 4:47 am on Apr 8, 2015
Don't forget to add a graphic of your animal. :-) ***You have an A so far - - - woo-hoo for you!
June Shanahan said
at 1:17 pm on Apr 10, 2015
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