Healthy, athletic, intelligent, adventurous,
Brother of Scarlett,
lover of my dog and me three baby chickens and paintball,
How feels happy went playing paintball,
Sad when great grandma died,
Scared when he was getting stiches,
How need help with division,
How gives high fives to my friends,
who fears cockroaches ,clowns , lions,
Who dreams of a famous paintball player,
Resident of Helotes, Texas
Street Music
Cars are going so fast on my street
Rocks are flying like rockets.
Where is a cop when you need one?
My dog always chases cars,
I am afraid he might get hit one day.
I always see dead animals on the road, it is like a death trap
To cross. People honk their horns ,it is like a circus but I love my street.
Arctic Fox
Mean, Deadly, Carnivorous, Mammal
Mother of 5-9 pups
Lover of meat, playing, hunting,
Happy when playing with her pups,
Sad when left alone,
Sad when ecosystem is poltted,
Sad to move to a new environment,
Who gives hisses to bear, purrs to her pups,
who fears polar bears, people, snow leopard,
dreams of escaping the zoo,
resident to Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, northern Europe and Russia.

Comments (20)
superstarjose said
at 12:05 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I have" intelligent" too!!!!
superstaremma said
at 12:18 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Love your words!
superstarcole said
at 12:19 pm on Aug 29, 2014
awesome additives.
superstarjoseph said
at 12:21 pm on Aug 29, 2014
superstarcole said
at 12:22 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Has anyone heard smart water well if you have it looks like Clint has been drinking gallons of it.
June Shanahan said
at 1:43 pm on Aug 30, 2014
Dear Cole,
Please tell me where I can purchase some of that Smart Water. Do they sell it on ebay? Or at HEB? Or at The Smart Water store?
superstarmitchell said
at 12:22 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I like your use of words. Awesome job!
superstarclint said
at 12:22 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Thanks like yours to!
superstarlindsay said
at 3:31 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Great job Clint!
June Shanahan said
at 1:43 pm on Aug 30, 2014
Dear Clint,
What is your favorite sport? Football, I bet. Am I right?
superstarcole said
at 10:04 am on Sep 2, 2014
You can buy it at H.E.B.
superstarcarson said
at 10:07 am on Sep 2, 2014
Love your adjectives
June Shanahan said
at 5:13 pm on Sep 3, 2014
lover of my dog and me three baby chickens and paintball <--- Please change the word ME. ***thank you***
June Shanahan said
at 5:13 pm on Sep 3, 2014
Please change your words that say HOW to WHO.
June Shanahan said
at 5:14 pm on Sep 3, 2014
Your poem has so much voice. That takes real courage. I looooooooove your poetry, Clint. Never. Stop. Writing. (I am begging you...I love your words.)
Sharon Creech said
at 6:40 pm on Oct 10, 2014
Three baby chickens, how cool!! xx
June Shanahan said
at 7:51 pm on Apr 6, 2015
Animal poem - so far, you have 100%!
June Shanahan said
at 4:52 am on Apr 8, 2015
Please add capitals on the first words of all lines of poetry, and please add a comma at the end of each line. *Last sentence should have a period at the end, when you write it. I know you know that already.
June Shanahan said
at 10:02 am on Apr 8, 2015
ALERT! ALERT! please add a comma at the end of each line.
superstarjohnie said
at 10:00 am on Apr 28, 2015
I like the fox
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