Selfish, energetic, sour, intelligent,
Friend of the Superstars,
Lover of sports, animals, and math,
Who feels happy when he gets the high score,
Sad when he doesn't get the high score,
Scared when he watches scary movies,
Who needs help with being cray cray,
Who gives laughter to people,
Who fears of his big brother Austin,
Who dreams of teleporting,
Resident of Helotes, Texas.
Street Music
You hear the cars speed by,
Making rocks fly,
You hear
As kids play,
You hear,
When you step on the leaves,
The dogs bark,
The cat’s meow.
You can always smell a B&Q
You can feel a smooth breeze when wind blows,
If you stand still, little bugs like butterflies and lady bugs start to land on you,
And it feels like you’re being tickled.
You’ll know when a car comes because somebody will call CAR!!!
Sometimes you can smell dead animals or skunks
And every once and a wile you’ll have to look out for cars speeding by as fast as they can
And when it’s time to go inside you’ll hear
Kids it’s time to come inside.
Whoosh you hear the cars speed by making rocks fly
And you hear whee as kids play. Or when you hear crack crunch when you step on the leaves,
Or when the dogs bark, or cat’s meow. You can always smell a B&Q
And you can feel a smooth breeze when wind blows,
Sometimes if you stand still little bugs like butterflies and lady bugs start to land on you it feels like you’re being tickled.
You can hear the golf carts as often as a bird chirps,
You’ll know when a car comes because somebody will call CAR!!!
Sometimes you can smell dead animals or skunks,
And every once and a while you’ll have to look out for cars speeding by as fast as they can
And when it’s time to go inside you’ll hear,
Kids, it’s time to come inside.
Flying Squirrels
energetic, mammals, omnivore, not harmful,
Father of pteromyini,
Lover of nuts, loves to fly, picks nuts off tree,
Who feels happy when flying,
Sad when caught by prey,
Scared when his home is destroyed,
Who needs help when being eaten,
Who confuses his/her predator, Keeps pteromyini safe,
Who fears snakes, owls, hawks,
Who dreams that he/her can be free of predators and harmful humans,
Residents of North America, and south America.
Comments (19)
superstaremma said
at 12:05 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Great adjectives!!
superstarpaige said
at 12:06 pm on Aug 29, 2014
True, true and true agin!
superstarjose said
at 12:12 pm on Aug 29, 2014
You are good at writing things.
superstarclint said
at 12:14 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Nice job Cole!
superstarcole said
at 12:14 pm on Aug 29, 2014
superstarjoseph said
at 12:15 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I like how you put energetic!
superstarlindsay said
at 12:19 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I agree with Emma great adjectives
superstarriley said
at 12:19 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I like how you wrought your adjectives.
superstaraudelia said
at 12:20 pm on Aug 29, 2014
All of those things describe you.
superstarjohnie said
at 12:23 pm on Aug 29, 2014
You did a good job.
June Shanahan said
at 6:17 pm on Sep 2, 2014
You're selfish?! No way! I don't believe it! Really?! Are you trying to trick us!?
superstarjoseph said
at 8:18 am on Sep 3, 2014
at least you told the truth
superstarcole said
at 8:21 am on Sep 3, 2014
really really joseph
superstarriley said
at 8:21 am on Sep 3, 2014
Really nice adjectives
superstarcole said
at 8:57 am on Sep 3, 2014
June Shanahan said
at 5:04 pm on Sep 3, 2014
If you ever learn how to teleport, will you teach us too!? (PLEASE!)
June Shanahan said
at 8:00 pm on Apr 6, 2015
Animal poem - so far, you have 100%!
Can you be more specific with this line:
who needs help when in trouble,
(What kind of trouble? Everybody needs help when they're in trouble. Be more specific.)
June Shanahan said
at 4:53 am on Apr 8, 2015
Please add capitals on the first words of all lines of poetry.
June Shanahan said
at 10:42 am on Apr 11, 2015
Read all of my comments above, then edit your poem please.
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