Adventurous ,Exotic , Unique, Advanced
Brother of Jason
Lover of swimming, skiing, and heights,
Who feels happy when he's high in the sky,
Sad when his only fish died,
Scared when he was in a TORNADO WATCH,
Who needs help with building things,
Who fears snakes popping out on him,
Who dreams he could fly,
Resident of Houston, Austin, and SanAntonio
My Big Lollipop
I live on a big lollypop,
It’s as sweet as it sounds,
There are kids running and playing everywhere you look,
Only one way in and one way out.,
Many loud noises are on my street,
The thumping of basket balls,
The crashing and banging of constructions vehicles,
The barking and hissing of dogs and cats,
The rumble of huge cargo planes,
And the sonic boom fighter planes.
It sounds like war.
And if you’re lucky, you might see a game of cat and mouse,
Or even hear the howl of coyotes.
Sea Otter
Amazing, Exotic, Playful, Mammal
Cousin to the Weasel
Lover of shellfish, and the Pacific Ocean
Who feels happy when playing tag with other otters
Sad when caught in a fishing net
Scared when being chased by sharks
Who needs help caring for its pups
Who gives rock smashes to shellfish, growls to its enemies, and lessons to its pups
Who fears sharks, Sea Lions, Killer Whales, Seals, Bears, Coyotes and Bears
Who dreams of getting out of the zoo
Resident of the United States, Canada, and Russia
Comments (10)
superstarweston said
at 12:12 pm on Aug 29, 2014
I love the words your that you used the are AMAZING!
superstarweston said
at 12:14 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Type O I mean they
superstarlindsay said
at 3:32 pm on Aug 29, 2014
Those are some great adjectives! (you only put four)
superstarlindsay said
at 3:33 pm on Aug 29, 2014
You did a great job though, those totally describe you
June Shanahan said
at 6:13 pm on Sep 2, 2014
My favorite word: exotic
That's cooler than cool, and I bet a lot of people will have to look that adjective up to understand what it means...it's sort of like you are the TEACHER!!!! You're teaching us about new words! I love it. Keep doing it.
June Shanahan said
at 5:10 pm on Sep 3, 2014
Who fears snakes pooping out on him, <---Do you mean POPPING?
superstarcarson said
at 9:31 am on Sep 5, 2014
Nice work
superstargracie said
at 9:49 am on Sep 9, 2014
I love your java script name Animation. ;0
superstarlindsay said
at 9:32 am on Oct 3, 2014
Love the poem!
June Shanahan said
at 7:53 pm on Apr 6, 2015
I can't wait to read your animal poetry! :-)
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